Day[9] Daily #425 – Funday Monday
You must build a mothership before you build your first expansion! Fun games allaround! :D
Day[9] Daily #424 – Newbie Thursday..?? Adjustments!
Day[9] Daily #423 – Burrowed Baneling Funday Monday!
Day[9] Daily #422 – LiquidRet ZvP
Though we look at all kinds of clever, new and exciting styles of play, there’s nothing wrong with the good ol’ standard of standard play. We’re going to examine Ret’s amazing ability to churn out JUST the right amount of drones, while still accounting for all the possible threats that could happen in the early game. More importantly, however, we’ll learn about some critical roach/hydra attack timings in the mid-game. Traditionally the roach mix is planned for defense, but we see that Ret will exploit a very common weakness of a 3basing Protoss.
Day[9] Daily #421 – ZvP Analysis w/ Sheth
Sheth has been experimenting with a new style of ZvP that’s heavily infestor / late game based. Special guest LiquidSheth will be analyzing with us LIVE in today’s daily. We’re going to be trying to find leaks and ways to improve the overall play! :D
Day[9] Daily #420 – Naniwa’s PvT Opening
When you’re consistently losing to one strategy, it’s easy to completely abandon your opening. Weeks of hard work are thrown out the window at a hope for a “new simple solution” to finally stop losing. Naniwa, on the other hand, is a master of finding creative and subtle solutions for leaks in his strategies. In today’s pair of games, we’re going to examine the absolute brilliance of his early game problem solving and also see that his mid and late games are as crisply timed as his early openings.
Day[9] Daily #419 – Newbie Tuesday – Fixing 1 Problem at a Time
The basic tool of the SC2 competitor is adjustment! Finding a potential issue and adjusting ever so slightly. Though it’s super easy to be overwhelmed by the amount you need to improve, thinking about things ONE at a time can reduce the stress tremendously :D. All we have to do is make sure that our ONE adjustment is well thought out and appropriate! :D
Day[9] Daily #418 – Funday Monday – Lift ‘em up!
We’ll be doing a repeat of the ever popular “we have liftoff Funday Monday!” The setup is fairly simple: liftoff your base at the start of the game! You have to land your command center somewhere other than your original main base. Other than that, ALLS WELCOME!
Day[9] Daily #417 – LiquidTLO ZvT Craziness
It’s very easy to think you need to be a supergenius to succeed in unusual situations. TLO is a shining example of someone who always seems to navigate his way out of tricky spots with incredible flare and decision making. In today’s daily, we’ll examine a bit of TLOs genius but, more importantly, reveal that there are still clear, clean simple underlying decisions at work. That way, next time you feel lost, you can win like TLO too! :D
Day[9] Daily #416 – MarineKing vs White-Ra – 2Rax Opening!
The 2 rax opening was once upon a time the standard TvP opening. It allowed the terran player to apply a great deal of pressure while securing a fairly early 2nd base. However, Protosses soon learned how to deflect the early pressure and win with any number of medium sized counter swings. The last several months have marked a resurgence in the 2rax strategy due to some simply adjustments and nice aggression timings! We’re going to look at those today! :D