Terran tactic – Fast Expansion

A new tactic of e-tactics.de. This time it’s for a quick second base with the Terrans to quickly extract minerals and gas. The tactic was used by DeMuslim against DarKFoRcE at Go4SC2 Cup. Because of the early expansion the supply of resources is likely much higher than your opponents and you are able to produce units, tech buildings and further expansions faster and more efficient. Disadvantage of the tactic is that you are very vulnerable to attacks at the beginning.


* send the first 6 SCV’s directly to the mineral extraction

* produce 4 additional SCV’s (10 Supply) before building the first Supply Depot

* order the next 5 SCV’s (15 Supply) – then the second command center

=> Link to the tactic an video on e-tactics.de

Video (german):

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