Der erste größere Patch (Version 1.1) soll ab Mittwoch (22. September) über das verfügbar sein. Außer den heiß ersehnten Balancing-Anpassungen soll der Game-Editor um einige Modding-Features erweitert werden und es sollen einige kleinere Fehler behoben werden. Offizielle Patchnotes gibt es noch nicht, es gilt also einfach abzuwarten oder die Spekulationen zu lesen.
UPDATE: Mittlerweile sind die Patchnotes veröffentlich worden:
Spekulationen Patchnotes 1.1 (Quelle:
(* = durch Blizzard bestätigt)
- Destructible Rocks have been added to the natural expansions of Desert Oasis, and the center has been narrowed.*
- Various ladder maps have been added.
- Ground Units of type Psionic now have vision in the air plane.
- Zealot build time increased from 33 to 38 seconds.*
- Zealot warp-in cooldown increased from 23 to 28 seconds.*
- Warp Prisms now unload their cargo instantly while in Phasing Mode.
- Chronoboost cooldown increased from 0 to 20 seconds.
- Dark Shrine build time decreased from 100 to 80.
- Dark Shrine cost decreased from 100 minerals 250 gas to 100 minerals 200 gas.
- Carrier cost increased from 350 minerals 250 gas to 400 minerals 250 gas.
- Carriers now spawn with four Interceptors prebuilt.
- Reaper build time increased from 40 to 45 seconds.*
- Bunker build time increased from 30 to 35 seconds.*
- Siege Mode damage decreased from 50 to 35, +15 armored.*
- Siege Mode damage upgrades per level changed from +5 to +3, +2 vs. armored.*
- Battlecruiser damage vs. ground decreased from 10 to 8.*
- Calldown MULE cooldown increased from 0 to 40 seconds.
- Planetary Fortress build time decreased from 50 to 40 seconds.
- 250 mm Cannons research time decreased from 110 to 80 seconds.
- 250 mm Cannons cost decreased from 150 minerals 150 gas to 100 minerals 100 gas.
- 250 mm Cannons may now be used on friendly and neutral structures and units.
- Ultralisk damage decreased from 15, +25 vs. armored to 15, +20 vs. armored.*
- Ultralisk Ram attack removed.*
- Nydus Worms can now be cancelled and refunded while building.
- Overlord base speed increased to from 0.469 to 0.938.
- Overlord upgraded speed increase from 1.875 to 2.344.
- Overlords can now use Excrete Creep while moving.
- Overlord base speed now decreases from 0.938 to 0.469 while Excrete Creep is active.
- Overlord upgraded speed now decreased from 2.344 to 1.875 while Excrete Creep is active.
- Spawn Larvae energy cost reduced to 20 from 25.
- Fixed a bug that caused cloaked units to cast shadows.
- Fixed a bug where Larva would sometimes accidently die by walking off cliffs.
- Fixed a bug where a Nuclear Strike target could be hid behind a Lair.
- Fixed a bug that allowed SCVs to construct halted buildings from within Bunkers.
- Fixed a netcode bug that enabled players to warp in Immortals from Warp Gates.
- Fixed a bug that caused Random players to not see their cursor during the loading screen.
- Fixed a bug where Changelings morphed slower while coming into range of enemy units than when dropped from an Overseer over enemy units.
- Improved the functionality of voice chat.
- Manually queued waypoints can now be set to all 5 basic commands.
- Numerous performance and stability improvements.
(* = durch Blizzard bestätigt)
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