Patch 1.3.0 Notes
Um es kurz zu machen, hier die wichtigesten Änderungen in Kurzform. Unten die ausführlichen Patch Notes.
# Master-League nun auch für 2on2, 3on3 und 4on4
# die Grandmaster-League für 1on1 kommt. Dort werden die besten 200 Spieler einer Region spielen. Damit die jetzigen besten Spieler dort eintreten, muss wahrscheinlich mindestens ein Spiel gespielt werden
# Khaydarin Amulet Upgrade für die High Templar entfernt
# chargende Zealots treffen fliehende Gegner mindestens einmal
# Einheiten, die das Vortex des Motherships verlassen sind für 1,5 Sekunden immun gegen Schaden. Damit will man verhindern, dass Flächenschaden zu diesem Zeitpunkt zu verheerend ist, beispielsweise die Baneling-Explosion
# Erforschung von Stimpack dauert nun 30 Ingamesekunden länger
# Bunker bauen 5 Sekunden länger
# Kreuzer (engl. Battlecruiser) sind jetzt wesentlich schneller
# Infestor hat nun mehr Lebenspunkte, sein Fungal Growth wirkt jedoch nur noch halb so lange. Fungal Growth erhält eine neue Animation
# der Mappool wurde angepasst. Blistering Sands, Steppes of War und Shakuras Plateau wurden entfernt. Lost Temple wurde wesentlich verändert und nennt sich jetzt Shattered Temple. In der neuen Map-Version wurden die Klippen in den Ecken entfernt, was die Inseln vom Land aus zugänglich macht. Die Xel’Naga Tower in der Mitte wurden auf einen reduziert. Die Karten Typhon Peaks, Slag Pits und Backwater Gulch kommen neu hinzu.
Patchnotes Patch 1.2.0:
- Players can no longer hide units by setting them in a close proximity patrol (Viking flower).
- Units leaving the Mothership’s Vortex are now un-targetable and immune to damage for 1.5 seconds.
- Khaydarin Amulet upgrade (+25 starting energy) has been removed.
- Charging Zealots will now hit fleeing targets at least once.
- Battlecruiser movement speed increased from 1.406 to 1.875.
- Bunker build time increased from 35 to 40 seconds.
- Stimpack upgrade research time increased from 140 to 170 seconds.
- Infestor Health increased from 90 to 110.
- Fungal Growth stun duration decreased from 8 to 4 seconds.
- Fungal Growth damage increased by +30% vs. armored units.
- Fungal Growth now fires a missile instead of being instant cast.
Leagues and Ladders:
- A new Grandmaster League has been added for 1v1 ladders. This league represents the Top 200 players in each region.
- Players are automatically drafted into Grandmaster League shortly after a new season starts, and will remain in the Grandmaster league until the end of the season. If a Grandmaster player’s available bonus points get too high due to inactivity, they will be automatically removed from the league and a replacement player will be drafted in.
- The Grandmaster League can be viewed by all players through the new Leagues & Ladders > Grandmaster tab
- The bonus pool has been reduced for arranged teams.
- Leagues will now be locked during the final weeks of the season. As a result players will not accumulate additional bonus points and will not be promoted or demoted out of their current division during this period.
- This will allow players to focus on moving up in their current league without being promoted during the final weeks of a season, and having to fight their way up from the bottom ranks of their new higher league.
- Players can still utilize any points they previously accumulated.
- Ladder data from the prior season can be viewed through the new Leagues & Ladders > Last Season tab.
- New league icons have been introduced to indicate division rank. These will indicate the Top 8, 25 and 50 players in each division.
- Loss counts are no longer displayed in Profile and Ladder pages for players below Master League.
Observer and Replay:
- New panels are now available when observing or viewing a replay of 1v1 games. These panels can be toggled via hotkeys which are shown under the Leader Panel drop-down.
- Player Name Panel: Displays the players’ name, team color, race, and supply count.
- Stat Comparison Panels: Shows a head-to-head comparison of players’ Resources, Army Supply, Units Killed, or APM.
- In 1v1 observed games, both players’ resource rows are shown in the upper right at the same time.
- You can now toggle between player unit colors and team unit colors when watching a replay or observing.
Bug Fixes:
- An alert has been added when MULEs expire.
- An alert has been added when the Chrono Boost buff expires.
- An alert has been added when the Spawn Larva buff expires.
- Scrap Station
- Xel’Naga Caverns
- Backwater Gulch
- Delta Quadrant
- Metalopolis
- Slag Pits
- The Shattered Temple
- Typhon Peaks
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