Starcraft 2 Day[9] Daily #233 TheLittleOne vs White-RA

MOST AMAZING EPIC UNREAL GAME OF ALL TIME WTF WTF WTF WTF. WE’RE ANALYZING IT TONIGHT! HuskyStarcraft ( ) will also do a shoutcast of the match if you want the entertainment type stuff! :D woowoo! Finally, go to and check out the cool contest they’re running for a grand prize of meeting me at PAX! Every ‘like’ goes a long way towards showing sponsors why they should put money into eSports!MOST AMAZING EPIC UNREAL GAME OF ALL TIME WTF WTF WTF WTF. WE’RE ANALYZING IT TONIGHT! HuskyStarcraft ( ) will also do a shoutcast of the match if you want the entertainment type stuff! :D woowoo! Finally, go to and check out the cool contest they’re running for a grand prize of meeting me at PAX! Every ‘like’ goes a long way towards showing sponsors why they should put money into eSports!

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