This is an awesome Starcraft 2 Mod, i think it is one of the best arena battle-mods. It was an honor to play together with some really good skilled pro gamers. Watch more 1v1 to 6v6 gameplays in HD, best of interviews, reports, pro tactic guides about actual games and get news from eSport and gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community! wOw what a game ;)This is an awesome Starcraft 2 Mod, i think it is one of the best arena battle-mods. It was an honor to play together with some really good skilled pro gamers. Watch more 1v1 to 6v6 gameplays in HD, best of interviews, reports, pro tactic guides about actual games and get news from eSport and gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community! wOw what a game ;)
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