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StarCraft 2 – Grubby [P] vs DarKFoRcE [Z] G2 – CommentaryStarCraft 2 – Grubby [P] vs DarKFoRcE [Z] G2 – Commentary
Force Strategy Gaming presents: StarCraft 2 – Grubby [P] vs DarKFoRcE [Z]
Posted in Video Tagged commentary, Darkforce, ForceSC2strategy, Grubby, Protoss vs. Zerg, pvz, zerg vs. protoss, zvp Leave a comment
StarCraft 2 – Tarson [T] vs Grubby [P] G1 – Commentary
Posted in Video Tagged Cast, commentary, ForceSC2strategy, Grubby, protoss vs. terraner, pvt, Replay, tarson, Terraner vs Protoss, tvp Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 – G436 – oGsNada (t) vs mYmSaSe (p) – Game 3 – StarsWar – Recast
Map: Shattred Temple Spiel: 3 Event: StarsWar Spieler: oGsNada (Terraner) vs mYmSaSe (Protoss) Shortcut: TvP Patch: 1.3.x Für Spenden siehe Kanalinfo – ich bin euch sehr dankbar! Wiederholungen von Dailys und Livecasts: www.own3d.tv
Map: Shattred Temple Spiel: 3 Event: StarsWar Spieler: oGsNada (Terraner) vs mYmSaSe (Protoss) Shortcut: TvP Patch: 1.3.x Für Spenden siehe Kanalinfo – ich bin euch sehr dankbar! Wiederholungen von Dailys und Livecasts: www.own3d.tv
Posted in Video Tagged 1080p, 17173.com, 2010, Blizzard, BlizzCon, call4kings, Cast, Cheese, commentary, craftcup, dallas, definition, deutsch, epic, eps, esport, fpvod, gamescom, gaming, german, go4sc2, GSL, HD, HDHomerJ, high, homerj, iccup, iem, korea, korean, koth, MLG, mmorpg, MYM, mYmSaSe, NaDa, oGs, oGsNaDa, pokerstrategy, ProGamer, Protoss, protoss vs. terraner, pvt, Recast, Replay, result, SaSe, sC, sc2, series, Shattred Temple, shoutcast, starcraft, StarsWar, terran, Terraner vs Protoss, theory, tsl, tvp, tvz, video game, VOD, worldcup, Zerg, zotac Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 – G434 – oGsNada (t) vs mYmSaSe (p) – Game 1 – StarsWar – Recast
Map: Xel Naga Caverns Spiel: 1 Event: StarsWar Spieler: oGsNada (Terraner) vs mYmSaSe (Protoss) Shortcut: TvP Patch: 1.3.x Für Spenden siehe Kanalinfo – ich bin euch sehr dankbar! Wiederholungen von Dailys und Livecasts: www.own3d.tv
Map: Xel Naga Caverns Spiel: 1 Event: StarsWar Spieler: oGsNada (Terraner) vs mYmSaSe (Protoss) Shortcut: TvP Patch: 1.3.x Für Spenden siehe Kanalinfo – ich bin euch sehr dankbar! Wiederholungen von Dailys und Livecasts: www.own3d.tv
Posted in Video Tagged 1080p, 17173.com, 2010, Blizzard, BlizzCon, call4kings, Cast, Cheese, commentary, craftcup, dallas, definition, deutsch, epic, eps, esport, fpvod, gamescom, gaming, german, go4sc2, GSL, HD, HDHomerJ, high, homerj, iccup, iem, korea, korean, koth, MLG, mmorpg, MYM, mYmSaSe, NaDa, oGs, oGsNaDa, pokerstrategy, ProGamer, Protoss, protoss vs. terraner, pvt, Recast, Replay, result, SaSe, sC, sc2, series, shoutcast, starcraft, StarsWar, terran, Terraner vs Protoss, theory, tsl, tvp, tvz, video game, VOD, worldcup, Xel'Naga Caverns, Zerg, zotac Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 – G432 – TSL.FruitDealer (z) vs WE.Giga.LoveTT (p) – Game 2 – StarsWar – Replay Recast
Map: Shattred Temple Spiel: 2 Event: StarsWar Spieler: TSL.DruitDealer (Zerg) vs We.Giga.LoveTT (Protoss) Shortcut: ZvP Patch: 1.3.x Für Spenden siehe Kanalinfo – ich bin euch sehr dankbar! Wiederholungen von Dailys und Livecasts: www.own3d.tv
Map: Shattred Temple Spiel: 2 Event: StarsWar Spieler: TSL.DruitDealer (Zerg) vs We.Giga.LoveTT (Protoss) Shortcut: ZvP Patch: 1.3.x Für Spenden siehe Kanalinfo – ich bin euch sehr dankbar! Wiederholungen von Dailys und Livecasts: www.own3d.tv
Posted in Video Tagged 1080p, 17173.com, 2010, Blizzard, BlizzCon, call4kings, Cast, Cheese, commentary, craftcup, dallas, definition, deutsch, epic, eps, esport, fpvod, Fruitdealer, gamescom, gaming, german, GIGA, Giga.LoveTT, go4sc2, GSL, HD, HDHomerJ, high, homerj, iccup, iem, korea, korean, koth, LoveTT, MLG, mmorpg, pokerstrategy, ProGamer, Protoss, Recast, Replay, sC, sc2, series, Shattred Temple, shoutcast, starcraft, StarsWar, terran, theory, tsl, tvz, video game, VOD, WE, WE.Giga.LoveTT, WE.LoveTT, worldcup, Zerg, zotac Leave a comment
Day[9] Daily #289 – Newbie Tuesday: Refining a Stolen Build
How to steal a build and refine it! Looking at one player’s example games :D :D :DHow to steal a build and refine it! Looking at one player’s example games :D :D :D
Posted in Video Tagged beginner, Blizzard, bronze, commentary, daily, day 9, day nine, day9, Day9TV, daynine, Game, gold, newbie, newbie tuesday, noob, noob tuesday, platinum, Refining a Stolen Build, sc2, silver, starcraft 2, starcraft ii, starcraft2, Strategy, Taktik, tech, technology, terran, tuesday, video Leave a comment
SixJax team overview – DDE vs ViBE game 1
I sit in and observe some inter-team practice games, giving my thoughts on the players, their strengths, weaknesses, etc. Very analytical.