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Day[9] Daily #427 – Funday Monday – Counterattack Only!
Day[9] Daily #427 – Funday Monday – Counterattack Only!
„In today’s Funday Monday, you are permitted only two attack maneuvers – defend or counter attack! Though it seems like base trades and base races are likely… well they are. So lets watch some! :D“
Posted in Video Tagged #427, counter, Counterattack, Counterattack Only, daily, day nine, day9, fun, funday, funday monday, monday Leave a comment
Als Terraner gegen einen Canon-RushAs Terran against a Canon Rush
Ein schönes Beispiel wie man als Terraner gegen einen Canon-Rush vorgehen kann ;)
Ein Video von machinima.
Posted in Taktik, Video Tagged all-in, anti cheese, canon, canon rush, Cheese, counter, fail, fails, gegen, konter, kontern, Machinima, protoss vs. terraner, pvt, Taktik, taktik terraner, terraner taktik, Terraner vs Protoss, tvp, was gegen cheese machen, When Cheese Fails Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 Battle – Fast Rush Game (SC2 Tricks ‚Strategy Guide)
A nice 2v2 match with terran shows some typical tactics at startup ;) Visit our channel and community for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Community Entertainment 2011! Visit upcoming platform: www.change-games.com ‚we develop and publish nextgen- and retro-games, montages and machinima games in future
A nice 2v2 match with terran shows some typical tactics at startup ;) Visit our channel and community for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Community Entertainment 2011! Visit upcoming platform: www.change-games.com ‚we develop and publish nextgen- and retro-games, montages and machinima games in future
Posted in Video Tagged 2010, 2011, 2012, 2on, 2v2, 2vs2, 3D, action, battle, best, change, changegames, channel, counter, dude, entertainment, epic, esport, event, fast, finals, Games, Guide, HD, international, korea, live, Machinima, macro, Map, master, match, Mod, Patch, pc, Player, pro, Protoss, rush, sc2, starcraft 2, Strategy, tactics, terran, TOP, tournament, tricks, video, Zerg Leave a comment
StarCraft 2 – 2v2 Masters Livecast – Super Cheesed
Check out this 2v2 match of SCVRush and OneManZerg. In this matchup we face 2 zerg opponents who decide to cheese their way to a win. See how SCVRush and OneManZerg handle it and how they can keep up the pressure regardless. It’s exciting check out www.theuen.com for more informationCheck out this 2v2 match of SCVRush and OneManZerg. In this matchup we face 2 zerg opponents who decide to cheese their way to a win. See how SCVRush and OneManZerg handle it and how they can keep up the pressure regardless. It’s exciting check out www.theuen.com for more information
Posted in Video Tagged 2on2, 2v2, 2vs2, Cheese, conter, counter, handle, onemanzerg, scvrush, starcraft 2, Super Cheesed, The UEN, theuen, TheUENtv, Zerg, zerg rush, Zergling Leave a comment
#29/2011 – Abver(Z) vs. Mana(P) – StarCraft 2
Ein Spiel aus der Black Dragon League bei dem Mana sich anschickt einen Canonrush durchzuführen und Abver auf seine ganz eigene Art und Weise reagiert ;)Ein Spiel aus der Black Dragon League bei dem Mana sich anschickt einen Canonrush durchzuführen und Abver auf seine ganz eigene Art und Weise reagiert ;)
Posted in Video Tagged Abver, BDL, Black Dragon League, canon, Canonrush, Cast, counter, deutsch, khaldor, khaldorTV, kommentar, konter, MaNa, Protoss vs. Zerg, pvz, VOD, zerg vs. protoss, zvp Leave a comment