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MVP vs. NesTea – Blizzcon 2011 Finals – StarCraft 2
MVP vs. NesTea – Blizzcon 2011 Finals – Video by AskJoshy
Aktuelle Artikel zur Blizzcon 2011
- StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm – Neue Infos von der Blizzcon 2011
- MVP vs. NesTea – Blizzcon 2011 Finals – StarCraft 2
- Blizzcon StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm Trailer
- Blizzcon Blizzard DotA Trailer
- Global StarCraft Battle.net Invitational Results
- Blizzcon 2011: GSL Oktober Code S Finale
- Blizzcon 2011: Global StarCraft Battle.net Invitational
- BlizzCon 2011 am 21. und 22. Oktober
Posted in Video Tagged BlizzCon 2011, Blizzcon 2011 Finals, Cast, finals, mvp, MVP vs. NesTea, NesTea, Replay, sc2, starcraft 2 Leave a comment
IEM Season 6 Finale – Global Challenge Cologne
IEM Season 6
Die Gruppenphase fand bereits am 17.8. und 18.8. statt. Ich berichtete über die Teilnehmer, Gruppen und Ergebnisse der IEM 6 Gruppenphase.
Begegnung Finale
MC vs. PuMa
Ergebnis Finale
MC 0:3 PuMa
Alle Artikel zur IEM Season 6
- IEM Season 6 Finale – Global Challenge Cologne
- IEM Season 6 Halbfinale – Global Challenge Cologne
- Gamescom: IEM Season 6 – Interview mit Socke
- IEM Season 6 Livestreams
- IEM Season 6: Highlights Tag 1 – Video
- IEM Season 6 Viertelfinale – Global Challenge Cologne
- Gamescom: IEM Season 6 Gruppen – Global Challenge Cologne
Posted in News Tagged begegnungen, Cologne, ergebnis, ergebnisse, final, finale, finals, Global Challenge, Global Challenge Cologne, iem, IEM 6, IEM Cologne, IEM Finale, iem Köln, IEM Season 6, IEM Season 6 Finale, IEM Viertelfinale, Intel Extreme Masters, köln, MaNa, MC, Playoffs, PuMa, result, results, Season 6, Season VI, Socke, Spiel um Platz 3, spiele Leave a comment
#92/2011 – NightEnD(P) vs. Strelok(T) – BDL Finals
Khaldor Cast
Posted in Video Tagged BDL, BDL Finals, finals, khaldor, nightend, protoss vs. terraner, pvt, Strelok, Terraner vs Protoss, tvp Leave a comment
Homestorycup 3 Finale
Upper Bracket Finale
HuK spielt im Upper Bracket Finale gegen NaNiwa . Der Sieger dieser Begegnung spielt im Finale. Der Verlierer des Spiels hat noch die Chance gegen den Gewinner des Lower Brackets zu spielen und dadurch ebenfalls noch das Finale zu erreichen.
HuK 2:3 NaNiwa
NaNiwa 2:4 HuK
HuK gewinnt nach der Dreamhack auch den Homestorycup!
2.000 € Preisgeld erhält HuK. An NaNiwa gehen 1.000 €.
Homestorycup 3 Coverage
- DreamHuK und HuKstorycup – der HuK Artikel
- Homestorycup 3 Videos
- Homestorycup 3 Interviews
- Homestorycup 3 Finale
- Homestorycup 3 Halbfinale
- Homestorycup 3 Lower Bracket
- Homestorycup 3 Viertelfinale
- Homestorycup 3 Achtelfinale
- Homestorycup 3 Ergebnisse Gruppe G und H
- Homestorycup 3 Ergebnisse Gruppe E und F
- Homestorycup 3 Ergebnisse Gruppe C und D
- Homestorycup 3 Livestream
- Homestorycup 3 Ergebnisse Gruppe A und B
- HomeStoryCup III : Pre-Videos
- Homestorycup 3 Gruppen
- Die offiziellen HomeStoryCup III Shirts sind da und ein paar neue Einblicke
- HomeStoryCup III : Public Viewing wir kommen ! Jetzt eintragen !
- HomeStoryCup III : Public Viewing wir kommen ! Jetzt eintragen !HomeStoryCup III : Public Viewing wir kommen ! Jetzt eintragen !
- Homestorycup 3
Posted in News Tagged begegnungen, ergebnis, ergebnisse, finale, finals, Games, Grid, homestorycup, Homestorycup 3, HomeStoryCup III, HSC, HuK, Ko Phase, krefeld, naniwa, Playoffs, Preisgeld, result, results, spiele, take, UB, Upper Bracket, Upper Bracket Finale Leave a comment
Dreamhack Summer 2011 Finale
Protoss HuK steht als erster Finalist fest. Sein Gegner wird ein Koreaner. Entweder Terraner Bomber oder Zerg Moon.
HuK konnte auf der Dreamhack insgesamt überzeugen. Bereits in der Gruppenphase gab er nur eine Map ab (gegen Bischu). Dort konnte er Moon auch schon 2:0 schlagen. In den Playoffs setzte er sich dann gegen PredY, Socke und July jeweils mit 2:0 durch. Eine sehr überzeugende Vorstellung bisher. Nun ist ihm auch der Turniersieg durchaus zuzutrauen!
Das Finale um 18:30 Uhr:
HuK 3:2 Moon
HuK geht 1:0 in Führung, doch Moon kann auf Shakuras Plateau ausgleichen und anschließend sogar die Führung erringen. Bei einem weitern Sieg wäre Moon nun Sieger des Turnieres. HuK hingegen müsste beide verbleibdenden Maps gewinnen. 2:2 – HuK kämpft sich zurück. Das Finale wird nun im letzten Spiel entschieden!
HuK gewinnt das Spiel und damit das Turnier!
Spiel um Platz 3 um 16 Uhr:
July 0:2 Bomber
Bomber sichert sich den dritten Platz.
Artikel zur Dreamhack Summer 2011
- Sen (Z) vs Adelscott (P) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group D
- Sen (Z) vs Adelscott (P) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group D
- Idra (Z) vs Grubby (P) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Idra (Z) vs Grubby (P) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- DreamHuK und HuKstorycup – der HuK Artikel
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Replaypack
- Sase (P) vs EmpireKas (T) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Sase (P) vs EmpireKas (T) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Idra (Z) vs Grubby (P) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Idra (Z) vs Grubby (P) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Sen (Z) vs Adelscott (P) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group D
- Sen (Z) vs Adelscott (P) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group D
- Idra (Z) vs EmpireKas (T) G3 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Idra (Z) vs EmpireKas (T) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Idra (Z) vs EmpireKas (T) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- DreamHack 2011 : Match 2 – MC vs. Bomber
- DreamHack 2011 : Match 2 – MC (P) v Adelscott (P)
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 : Videointerviews mit July und Bomber
- NaNiwa (P) vs Liquid Ret (Z) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group A
- oGs MC (P) vs Sen (Z) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group D
- oGs MC (P) vs Sen (Z) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group D
- Naama (T) vs EmpireKas (T) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Dimaga (Z) vs Socke (P) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group B
- Dimaga (Z) vs Socke (P) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group B
- DreamHack Summer 2011 Finale: HuK vs. Moon (Replays und Preisverleihung)
- Brat_OK (T) vs MorroW (Z) G3 Dreamhack Summer Group B
- Brat_OK (T) vs MorroW (Z) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group B
- Brat_OK (T) vs MorroW (Z) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group B
- Liquid Tyler (P) vs Strelok (T) G3 Dreamhack Summer Group A
- MorroW (T) vs Dimaga (Z) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group B
- DreamHack 2011 : Interview mit HuK nach seinem Final-Sieg
- DreamHack 2011 : Match 1 – MC (P) v Adelscott (P)
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 : HuK gewinnt trotz koreanischer Dominanz
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Finale
- Video: Jinro playing in the group games at Dreamhack
- Video: StarTale Bomber playing in his group games at Dreamhack
- Dreamhack Summer 2011: White-Ra Interview
- Dreamhack Summer 2011: EG Idra Interview
- Dreamhack 2011 : Match 2 – Tyler (P) v Ret (Z)
- DreamHack 2011 : Match 3 – NightEnD (P) v Dimaga (Z)
- DreamHack 2011 : Match 2 – NightEnD (P) v Dimaga (Z)
- DreamHack 2011 : Match 1 – NightEnD (P) v Dimaga (Z)
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : IdrA (Z) vs. merz (T) Spiel3
- DreamHack 2011 : Match 3 – Tyler (P) v Strelok (T)
- DreamHack 2011 : Match 2 – Tyler (P) v Strelok (T)
- DreamHack 2011 : Match 1 – Tyler (P) v Strelok (T)
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Halbfinale
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Viertelfinale
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Achtelfinale
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : IdrA (Z) vs. merz (T) Spiel2
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : NaNiwa (P) vs. Strelok (T) Spiel3
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : NaNiwa (P) vs. Strelok (T) Spiel2
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : NaNiwa (P) vs. Strelok (T) Spiel1
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : Socke (P) vs. MorroW (Z) Spiel2
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : Socke (P) vs. MorroW (Z) Spiel1
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : IdrA (Z) vs. merz (T) Spiel1
- Dreamhack Interview mit Moman
- Dreamhack Interview mit Dimaga
- Dreamhack Interview mit HasuObs
- Dreamhack Opening Video
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Ergebnisse Gruppe G und H
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Ergebnisse Gruppe E und F
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Ergebnisse Gruppe C und D
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Ergebnisse Gruppe A und B
- Dreamhack Interview mit SaSe, XlorD und ClouD
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Livestream
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Gruppen und Teilnehmer
- Dreamhack Summer 2011: Infos zum StarCraft 2 Turnier
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 StarCraftDreamhack Summer 2011 StarCraft
Posted in News Tagged dreamhack, dreamhack finale, Dreamhack Summer 2011, Dreamhack Summer 2011 Finale, e-sport, final, finale, finals, Grand Final, grandfinal, HuK 1 Comment
MaNa (P) vs Naama (T) – DreamHack Grand FinalsMaNa (P) vs Naama (T) – DreamHack Grand Finals
Welcome to the grand final matches for the DreamHack SteelSeries Starcraft 2 Tournament! In this game check out MaNa (P) vs Naama (T) Game 3. Sponsored by SteelSeries, Eizo, and Sapphire!
Posted in Video Tagged day nine, day9, Day9TV, dreamhack, finals, grand finals, MaNa, Naama, protoss vs. terraner, pvt, Terraner vs Protoss, tvp Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 Match 2v2 – Terran, Protoss & Zerg Fun Battle (SC2 eSports 2011)
A little 2v2 fun game with terran shows some typical tactics at startup ;) Visit our channel and community for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Community Entertainment 2011! Visit upcoming platform: www.change-games.com
A little 2v2 fun game with terran shows some typical tactics at startup ;) Visit our channel and community for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Community Entertainment 2011! Visit upcoming platform: www.change-games.com
Posted in Video Tagged 2010, 2011, 2012, 3D, action, battle, best, change, changegames, channel, crew, entertainment, epic, esport, event, finals, Games, Guide, HD, international, korea, live, Machinima, macro, Map, master, match, Mod, Patch, pc, Player, Protoss, rush, sc2, starcraft 2, Strategy, tactics, Team, terran, TOP, tournament, tricks, video, Zerg Leave a comment
CSL Finals Game 5: tGKangpo (P) vs Saikou (Z) on Xel’Naga Caverns
Game 5 of the CSL Grand Finals – University of Waterloo vs University of British Columbia tGKangpo (P) [Xel’Naga Caverns] Saikou (Z) The Collegiate Starleague presents the Season 4 Playoffs! After a year-long season with 17 rounds, we bring you the top 32 schools in the nation. Tune in this Saturday and Sunday at 7pm EDT for the next few weeks to catch our playoff matches! These teams will be fighting over $1000 cash and $2000 worth of hardware! Find them at www.cstarleague.com
Game 5 of the CSL Grand Finals – University of Waterloo vs University of British Columbia tGKangpo (P) [Xel’Naga Caverns] Saikou (Z) The Collegiate Starleague presents the Season 4 Playoffs! After a year-long season with 17 rounds, we bring you the top 32 schools in the nation. Tune in this Saturday and Sunday at 7pm EDT for the next few weeks to catch our playoff matches! These teams will be fighting over $1000 cash and $2000 worth of hardware! Find them at www.cstarleague.com
Posted in Video Tagged british columbia, collegiate, Collegiate Starleague, CSL, CSL Finals, day9, Day9TV, daynine, finals, Game, Kangpo, League, Protoss, pvz, Saikou, sc2, star, starcraft, Starleague, tG, tGKangpo, ubc, waterloo, Xel'Naga Caverns, Zerg, zvp Leave a comment
CSL Finals Game 4: xiGerbil (Z) vs ValiditySAGA (P) on Shakuras Plateau
Game 4 of the CSL Grand Finals – University of Waterloo vs University of British Columbia xiGerbil (Z) [Shakuras Plateau] ValiditySAGA (P) The Collegiate Starleague presents the Season 4 Playoffs! After a year-long season with 17 rounds, we bring you the top 32 schools in the nation. Tune in this Saturday and Sunday at 7pm EDT for the next few weeks to catch our playoff matches! These teams will be fighting over $1000 cash and $2000 worth of hardware! Find them at www.cstarleague.com
Game 4 of the CSL Grand Finals – University of Waterloo vs University of British Columbia xiGerbil (Z) [Shakuras Plateau] ValiditySAGA (P) The Collegiate Starleague presents the Season 4 Playoffs! After a year-long season with 17 rounds, we bring you the top 32 schools in the nation. Tune in this Saturday and Sunday at 7pm EDT for the next few weeks to catch our playoff matches! These teams will be fighting over $1000 cash and $2000 worth of hardware! Find them at www.cstarleague.com
Posted in Video Tagged british columbia, collegiate, Collegiate Starleague, CSL, CSL Finals, day9, Day9TV, daynine, finals, Game, Gerbil, League, Protoss, Protoss vs. Zerg, pvz, SAGA, sc2, Shakuras Plateau, star, starcraft, Starleague, ubc, Validity, ValiditySAGA, waterloo, xi, xiGerbil, Zerg, zerg vs. protoss, zvp Leave a comment
CSL Finals Game 3: 2v2 on War Zone
Game 3 of the CSL Grand Finals – University of Waterloo vs University of British Columbia SuperNinja (P) and lALalA (Z) [War Zone] Saikou (Z) and tQWannaBe (T) The Collegiate Starleague presents the Season 4 Playoffs! After a year-long season with 17 rounds, we bring you the top 32 schools in the nation. Tune in this Saturday and Sunday at 7pm EDT for the next few weeks to catch our playoff matches! These teams will be fighting over $1000 cash and $2000 worth of hardware! Find them at www.cstarleague.com
Game 3 of the CSL Grand Finals – University of Waterloo vs University of British Columbia SuperNinja (P) and lALalA (Z) [War Zone] Saikou (Z) and tQWannaBe (T) The Collegiate Starleague presents the Season 4 Playoffs! After a year-long season with 17 rounds, we bring you the top 32 schools in the nation. Tune in this Saturday and Sunday at 7pm EDT for the next few weeks to catch our playoff matches! These teams will be fighting over $1000 cash and $2000 worth of hardware! Find them at www.cstarleague.com
Posted in Video Tagged 2on2, 2v2, 2vs2, british columbia, collegiate, Collegiate Starleague, CSL, CSL Finals, day9, Day9TV, daynine, finals, Game, League, sc2, star, starcraft, Starleague, ubc, waterloo Leave a comment