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Starcraft 2 Day[9] Daily #261 – Newbie Tuesday: Mechanics #2
This week I use user submitted VODs to analyze basic Starcraft 2 mechanics and movements!
This week I use user submitted VODs to analyze basic Starcraft 2 mechanics and movements!
Posted in Video Tagged beginner, Blizzard, bronze, commentary, daily, day 9, day nine, day9, daynine, Game, gold, hotkey, keyboard, mechanics, mouse, movements, newbie, newbie tuesday, noob, noob tuesday, platinum, sc2, silver, starcraft, starcraft 2, starcraft ii, starcraft2, Strategy, Taktik, tech, technology, tuesday, video Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 Day[9] Daily #257 – Newbie Tuesday: Refining Mechanics
We watch YOU guys make an attempt at having solid fancy mechanics and the like :D. Doing tons of first person perspectiving. Hip hip, hooray!
Posted in Video Tagged beginner, Blizzard, bronze, commentary, daily, day 9, day nine, day9, daynine, Game, gold, hotkey, macro, micro, mouse, newbie, noob, platinum, Refining Mechanics, sc2, silver, starcraft 2, starcraft ii, starcraft2, Strategy, tech, technology, tuesday, video Leave a comment