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StarCraft Master – Blizzards Micro Trainings Map
Blizzard hat eine neue Singleplayer Map erstellt, auf der man sein Micro trainieren kann. Die Modifikation mit dem Namen „StarCraft Master“ soll mit 30 verschiedenen Levels das Wissen und die Fähigkeiten des Spielers herausfordern und natürlich verbessern. Dabei geht es genauer gesagt um das Micromanagment, also das geschickte Einsetzen der Einheiten. Beispielsweise wird „Kiting“ ein Bestandteil sein oder wie man mit wenigen Einheiten eine größere Arme besiegen kann.
Die einzelnen Levels sollen Situationen darstellen, die durchaus auch im freien Spiel passieren können und stellen somit eine interessante Trainingsmethode da.
Falls ein bestimmter Level zu schwer ist, wird es möglich sein diesen zu überspringen und einen beliebigen anderen zu spielen.
Die Karte beinhaltet außerdem eine gewohnt gute Hilfe (über F12 erreichbar), welche euch bei Problemen weiterbringen sollte.
Als kleine Motivationshilfe gibt es 5 neue Errungenschaften und ein Spieler-Portrait zu erringen.
Noch ist die Map im Battle.net nicht verfügbar, aber das ist wohl nur noch eine Frage der Zeit – ich freu mich schon :)
Quelle: Battle.net
Posted in News Tagged Achievement, Achievements, Blizzard, Blizzard Map, Blizzard Map Master, Blizzard Master, Blizzard Master Map, custom map, funmap, macro map, Macro training, Map, Marco, master, Master Map, Meister Map, micro, Micro Map, Micro Training, Micromanagment, Picture, Profile, skill, StarCraft Master, StarCraft Master Map, StarCraft Meister 1 Comment
Starcraft 2 Match 2v2 – Terran, Protoss & Zerg Fun Battle (SC2 eSports 2011)
A little 2v2 fun game with terran shows some typical tactics at startup ;) Visit our channel and community for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Community Entertainment 2011! Visit upcoming platform: www.change-games.com
A little 2v2 fun game with terran shows some typical tactics at startup ;) Visit our channel and community for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Community Entertainment 2011! Visit upcoming platform: www.change-games.com
Posted in Video Tagged 2010, 2011, 2012, 3D, action, battle, best, change, changegames, channel, crew, entertainment, epic, esport, event, finals, Games, Guide, HD, international, korea, live, Machinima, macro, Map, master, match, Mod, Patch, pc, Player, Protoss, rush, sc2, starcraft 2, Strategy, tactics, Team, terran, TOP, tournament, tricks, video, Zerg Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 Battle – Fast Rush Game (SC2 Tricks ‚Strategy Guide)
A nice 2v2 match with terran shows some typical tactics at startup ;) Visit our channel and community for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Community Entertainment 2011! Visit upcoming platform: www.change-games.com ‚we develop and publish nextgen- and retro-games, montages and machinima games in future
A nice 2v2 match with terran shows some typical tactics at startup ;) Visit our channel and community for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Community Entertainment 2011! Visit upcoming platform: www.change-games.com ‚we develop and publish nextgen- and retro-games, montages and machinima games in future
Posted in Video Tagged 2010, 2011, 2012, 2on, 2v2, 2vs2, 3D, action, battle, best, change, changegames, channel, counter, dude, entertainment, epic, esport, event, fast, finals, Games, Guide, HD, international, korea, live, Machinima, macro, Map, master, match, Mod, Patch, pc, Player, pro, Protoss, rush, sc2, starcraft 2, Strategy, tactics, terran, TOP, tournament, tricks, video, Zerg Leave a comment
Day[9] Daily #290 – Friendday Wednesday w/ Sheth
Currently #1 in the Grandmaster League, Sheth comes on to give us deep insight into his ZvZ thought process.
Currently #1 in the Grandmaster League, Sheth comes on to give us deep insight into his ZvZ thought process.
MrShoutcraft – In 10 Wochen zur Masters League – Intro
Eine Ankündigung
Posted in News, Video Tagged master, Master League, Masters League, meisterliga, MrShoutcraft Leave a comment
2v2 Masters Livecast – Countering Early Macro
Hey everyone, Here’s another 2v2 livecast from SCVRush and OneManZerg. Hope you guys enjoy this game about countering early macro. A little bit of miscommunication though and this game gets very interesting.Hey everyone, Here’s another 2v2 livecast from SCVRush and OneManZerg. Hope you guys enjoy this game about countering early macro. A little bit of miscommunication though and this game gets very interesting.
Posted in Video Tagged 2on2, 2v2, 2v2 livecast, 2vs2, Countering Early Macro, HD, livecast, master, masters!, onemanzerg, sc 2, scvrush, starcraft 2, The UEN, theuen, TheUENtv Leave a comment
Day[9] Daily #282 – Hardcore TvP Analysis Part 2
An extension of yesterday’s daily! MOAR but only from the Terran POV a bit more now!
An extension of yesterday’s daily! MOAR but only from the Terran POV a bit more now!
Posted in Video Tagged analysis, Calculation, daily, day9, Day9TV, daynine, Game, Hardcore TvP Analysis, master, Master League, Master players, Masterleague players, Precision, Protoss, pvt, sc2, starcraft, Strategy, taktik terraner, terran, terraner taktik, Terraner vs Protoss, timing, timings, Tipps, Tips, tvp, TvP Analysis, video Leave a comment
Day[9] Daily #281 – Hardcore TvP Analysis Part 1
In this multi part hardcore analysis, I’m going to drill HARD into some extreme specifics for how to play TvP. I’ve been slacking on the terran front lately, so I’m going to do some high degree of extrapolation regarding 1) Timings 2) Calculation 3) Precision It’ll be at least 2 parts. Maybe there’ll be a part 3 on Sunday if I’m sufficiently frustrated :D Time for people to see all my tools in action! This’ll be primarily useful for Master++ players.In this multi part hardcore analysis, I’m going to drill HARD into some extreme specifics for how to play TvP. I’ve been slacking on the terran front lately, so I’m going to do some high degree of extrapolation regarding 1) Timings 2) Calculation 3) Precision It’ll be at least 2 parts. Maybe there’ll be a part 3 on Sunday if I’m sufficiently frustrated :D Time for people to see all my tools in action! This’ll be primarily useful for Master++ players.
Posted in Video Tagged analysis, Calculation, daily, day9, Day9TV, daynine, Game, Hardcore TvP Analysis, master, Master League, Master players, Masterleague players, Precision, Protoss, pvt, sc2, starcraft, Strategy, taktik terraner, terran, terraner taktik, Terraner vs Protoss, timing, timings, Tipps, Tips, tvp, TvP Analysis, video Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 1v1 Master Live Commentary by Scvrush (Terran vs Zerg)
Hello folks, this is scvrush from www.theuen.com giving you guys a 1v1 live commentary in the master’s league. I have not played 1v1 for a little bit and I am rusty. Please leave feedback on what you think and what do you want to see next. In addition, please subscribe to our channel if you havn’t already! http www.facebook.comHello folks, this is scvrush from www.theuen.com giving you guys a 1v1 live commentary in the master’s league. I have not played 1v1 for a little bit and I am rusty. Please leave feedback on what you think and what do you want to see next. In addition, please subscribe to our channel if you havn’t already! http www.facebook.com
Posted in Video Tagged 1v1, attack, commentary, hint, live, marine, master, Overlord, rush, scvrush, starcraft, strategies, terran, terraner vs. zerg, theuen, TheUENtv, Tips, tricks, tvz, zerg vs. terraner, zvt 2 Comments
2v2 Starcraft Terran Live Cast with Scvrush and OMZ – Action Packed Game TZ vs ZP
Scvrush from www.theuen.com is giving you guys a first person Terran perspective of a 2v2 diamond game against two master league players. The game takes place on monlyth ridge which is a pretty friendly map for 2 players. The match up heats up quickly when SCVrush scouts a non-expanding zerg and 1 gas protoss (4 gateway rush) Check out our North American SC2 channel at „THE UEN“ and visit theuen.com for more information on starcraft 2 strategies and tips.
Scvrush from www.theuen.com is giving you guys a first person Terran perspective of a 2v2 diamond game against two master league players. The game takes place on monlyth ridge which is a pretty friendly map for 2 players. The match up heats up quickly when SCVrush scouts a non-expanding zerg and 1 gas protoss (4 gateway rush) Check out our North American SC2 channel at „THE UEN“ and visit theuen.com for more information on starcraft 2 strategies and tips.