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Starcraft 2 Battle 2v2 Terran vs Terran Ground Air Expand (SC2 Standard Games)
A 2v2 fun game with Terran and Protoss:: Visit our channel for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community 2011! ’news, reports, interviews about nextgen games, game art montages and machinima: www.change-games.com
A 2v2 fun game with Terran and Protoss:: Visit our channel for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community 2011! ’news, reports, interviews about nextgen games, game art montages and machinima: www.change-games.com
Posted in Video | Tagged 2010, 2011, 2012, 2on2, 2v2, 2vs2, action, Air, battle, best, change, changegames, channel, diablo, entertainment, epic, esports, Expand, finals, Games, Ground, Guide, HD, Intel, korea, live, Machinima, Map, match, Menü, micro, Mod, net, news, Patch, Player, Protoss, sc2, starcraft 2, Strategy, tactics, terran, TOP, tournament, video, Zerg | Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 Fun Match – 2v2 Terran, Protoss & Zerg (Counter-Attack Tactic Guide)
A very fine 2v2 battle with Terran, Protoss and Zerg shows some typical counter tactics ingame. Visit our channel for more gameplays, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community 2011-2012! Visit: www.change-games.com ’nextgen machinima & montages 2011
A very fine 2v2 battle with Terran, Protoss and Zerg shows some typical counter tactics ingame. Visit our channel for more gameplays, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community 2011-2012! Visit: www.change-games.com ’nextgen machinima & montages 2011
Posted in Video | Tagged 2010, 2011, 2012, 2on2, 2v2, 2vs2, 3D, action, battle, best, change, changegames, counter, Counter-Attack Tactic Guide, entertainment, epic, esports, finals, fun, Game, Guide, HD, korea, live, Machinima, Map, match, Menü, micro, nextgen, Patch, Player, Protoss, sc2, Season, starcraft 2, Strategy, Stream, tactics, terran, tournament, video, Zerg | Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 Fun Battle – 2v2 Match Terran vs Zerg (eSport Season Finals 2011)
A nice 2v2 battle with Terran and Zerg shows some typical tactics ingame. Visit our channel for more gameplays, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community 2011-2012! Visit: www.change-games.com ’nextgen games, montages and machinima director 2011A nice 2v2 battle with Terran and Zerg shows some typical tactics ingame. Visit our channel for more gameplays, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community 2011-2012! Visit: www.change-games.com ’nextgen games, montages and machinima director 2011
Posted in Video | Tagged 2010, 2011, 2012, 2on2, 2v2, 2vs2, action, battle, best, change, channel, cup, dude, entertainment, epic, esports, finals, fun, Game, Guide, HD, II, ingame, korea, live, Machinima, macro, Map, match, Menü, net, Patch, Player, Protoss, sc2, Season, starcraft, Strategy, Stream, tactics, terran, tournament, video, Zerg | Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 – 2v2 Hardcore Battle Terran vs Protoss (SC2 Fun Games 2011)
A heavy 2v2 battle with Terran and Protoss shows some nice tactics ingame. Visit our channel for more gameplays, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community 2011! ’nextgen games, montages and machinima: www.change-games.comA heavy 2v2 battle with Terran and Protoss shows some nice tactics ingame. Visit our channel for more gameplays, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community 2011! ’nextgen games, montages and machinima: www.change-games.com
Posted in Video | Tagged 2010, 2011, 2012, 2on2, 2v2, 2vs2, action, battle, best, change, changegames, channel, cup, dude, entertainment, epic, esports, finals, Games, gametest, HD, II, ingame, korea, live, Machinima, macro, Map, match, Menü, net, Patch, Player, Protoss, sc2, starcraft, Strategy, tactics, terran, Tutorial, video, Zerg | Leave a comment
Verbesserte Funktionen zum Beitreten eigener Spiele
Mit dem Patch 1.3 hat Blizzard das Menü zum Beitreten eigener Spiele verbessert:
- # Lieblingsmaps kann man jetzt mit einem Lesezeichen kennzeichnen, um sie leichter zu finden
- # Details zu offenen Spielen erhält man nun über Tooltips, wenn man mit dem über das Spiel geht. Hier kann man auch sehen wie oft eine Map mit Lesezeichen versehen wurde
- # Es gibt jetzt eine Auswahl verschiedener Listen, aus dennen Maps ausgewählt werden können:
> Beliebt (die meistgespielten Spiele)
> Empfohlen (Empfholene Karten)
> Nach Kategorie (um eine bestimmte Art auszuwählen)
> Angesagt (Spiele, die von Mitspielern empfohlen wurden)
> Top oder Flop (Nach dem Spiel wird man gefragt, ob die Map gefallen hat oder nicht, das beeinflusst dann die Sektion „Angesagt“)
> Lesezeichen (Deine Favoriten)
- # Suchfunktion wurde hinzugefügt. Wenn der Name der Karte bekannt ist, kann er hier einfach eingegeben werden.
Posted in News | Tagged Angesagt, Beliebt, Blizzard, cg, custom, details, eigene spiele, Empfohlen, Funmaps, Game, Karten, Kategorie, Kategorien, Lesezeichen, Listen, maps, Menü, Mod, Patch 1.3, spielen, Suchfunktion, Tooltips, Top oder Flop | Leave a comment