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Starcraft 2 – 2v2 Livecast by OneManZerg – contain and control
OneManZerg here with another 2v2 livecast. This is some good old fashioned standard play by SCVRush and myself. We play against a Protoss Terran combo and show how to distract to create appropriate positioning opportunities for your army. Check it out… we’ll post a loss soon but we have honestly not recorded a loss in over a month (not video recorded, that is… we’ve had losses, haha). Check out http://www.theuen.com/ for more tips, tricks, and all that good stuff. =)OneManZerg here with another 2v2 livecast. This is some good old fashioned standard play by SCVRush and myself. We play against a Protoss Terran combo and show how to distract to create appropriate positioning opportunities for your army. Check it out… we’ll post a loss soon but we have honestly not recorded a loss in over a month (not video recorded, that is… we’ve had losses, haha). Check out http://www.theuen.com/ for more tips, tricks, and all that good stuff. =)