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Day[9] Daily #289 – Newbie Tuesday: Refining a Stolen Build
How to steal a build and refine it! Looking at one player’s example games :D :D :DHow to steal a build and refine it! Looking at one player’s example games :D :D :D
Posted in Video Tagged beginner, Blizzard, bronze, commentary, daily, day 9, day nine, day9, Day9TV, daynine, Game, gold, newbie, newbie tuesday, noob, noob tuesday, platinum, Refining a Stolen Build, sc2, silver, starcraft 2, starcraft ii, starcraft2, Strategy, Taktik, tech, technology, terran, tuesday, video Leave a comment
Day[9] Daily #285 – Newbie Tuesday: Stealing a Build
All about how to steal a build order. Hopefully my computer doesn’t die like yesterday ♥
All about how to steal a build order. Hopefully my computer doesn’t die like yesterday ♥
Posted in Video Tagged beginner, Blizzard, bo, bronze, build, build order, commentary, daily, day 9, day nine, day9, Day9TV, daynine, Game, gold, newbie, newbie tuesday, noob, noob tuesday, order, platinum, sc2, silver, starcraft 2, starcraft ii, starcraft2, steal, steal a build order, Stealing a Build, Strategy, Taktik, tech, technology, tuesday, video Leave a comment
Day[9] Daily #278 – Newbie Tuesday: Infestors!
We look at the key three components to incorporating some fancy new unit/styles into your play! 1) How do we stay alive! 2) How does our economy function while we’re doing it! 3) How does the rest of our strategy plug in!We look at the key three components to incorporating some fancy new unit/styles into your play! 1) How do we stay alive! 2) How does our economy function while we’re doing it! 3) How does the rest of our strategy plug in!
Posted in Video Tagged beginner, Blizzard, bronze, commentary, daily, day 9, day nine, day9, Day9TV, daynine, economy, Game, gold, Infestor, Infestors, newbie, newbie tuesday, noob, noob tuesday, platinum, sc2, silver, starcraft 2, starcraft ii, starcraft2, stay alive, Strategy, tactic, Taktik, Taktik zerg, tech, technology, tuesday, video, Zerg, zerg taktik Leave a comment
Day[9] Daily #274 – Newbie Tuesday: Using Reapers
In this Newbie Tuesday, we watch some replays experimenting with Reaper usage!
In this Newbie Tuesday, we watch some replays experimenting with Reaper usage!
Posted in Video Tagged beginner, Blizzard, bronze, commentary, daily, day 9, day nine, day9, Day9TV, daynine, Game, gold, newbie, newbie tuesday, noob, noob tuesday, platinum, Protoss, pvt, reaper, Reapers, sc2, silver, starcraft 2, starcraft ii, starcraft2, Strategy, Taktik, taktik terraner, tech, technology, terran, terraner taktik, tuesday, tvp, video Leave a comment
Day[9] Daily #269 – Newbie Tuesday: How to get into SC2!
If you have StarCraft 2 and haven’t been able to get into playing it, or if you beat the campaign but haven’t played multiplayer games, or if you wish you played more but end up watching other people play instead, this is the Daily for you! I talk about how to get into the game by focusing on having fun =)
If you have StarCraft 2 and haven’t been able to get into playing it, or if you beat the campaign but haven’t played multiplayer games, or if you wish you played more but end up watching other people play instead, this is the Daily for you! I talk about how to get into the game by focusing on having fun =)
Starcraft 2 Day[9] Daily #261 – Newbie Tuesday: Mechanics #2
This week I use user submitted VODs to analyze basic Starcraft 2 mechanics and movements!
This week I use user submitted VODs to analyze basic Starcraft 2 mechanics and movements!
Posted in Video Tagged beginner, Blizzard, bronze, commentary, daily, day 9, day nine, day9, daynine, Game, gold, hotkey, keyboard, mechanics, mouse, movements, newbie, newbie tuesday, noob, noob tuesday, platinum, sc2, silver, starcraft, starcraft 2, starcraft ii, starcraft2, Strategy, Taktik, tech, technology, tuesday, video Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 Day[9] Daily #257 – Newbie Tuesday: Refining Mechanics
We watch YOU guys make an attempt at having solid fancy mechanics and the like :D. Doing tons of first person perspectiving. Hip hip, hooray!
Posted in Video Tagged beginner, Blizzard, bronze, commentary, daily, day 9, day nine, day9, daynine, Game, gold, hotkey, macro, micro, mouse, newbie, noob, platinum, Refining Mechanics, sc2, silver, starcraft 2, starcraft ii, starcraft2, Strategy, tech, technology, tuesday, video Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 Day[9] Daily #247 – Newbie Tuesday: Jinro’s TvP Mech
Let’s take a look at the Jinro style mech TvP play!Let’s take a look at the Jinro style mech TvP play!
Posted in Video Tagged analyse, beginner, Blizzard, bronze, commentary, daily, day 9, day nine, day9, daynine, Game, gold, Jinro, mech, newbie, newbie tuesday, noob, noob tuesday, platinum, Protoss, pvt, sc2, silver, starcraft, starcraft ii, starcraft2, Strategy, Taktik, tech, technology, terran, Terraner vs Protoss, tuesday, tvp, video Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 Day[9] Daily #242 – Newbie Tuesday: Simple ZvZ Build
Taking a look at a pretty simple, straightforward ZvZ build order (the one presented in D9D #235).
Taking a look at a pretty simple, straightforward ZvZ build order (the one presented in D9D #235).
Posted in Video Tagged beginner, Blizzard, bronze, commentary, daily, day 9, day nine, day9, daynine, Game, gold, newbie, newbie tuesday, noob, noob tuesday, platinum, sc2, silver, starcraft, starcraft ii, starcraft2, Strategy, tech, technology, tuesday, video, zvz Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 Day[9] Daily #228 – Newbie Tuesday: Banelingz!
So banelings are extremely annoying at virtually every stage of play. However, we’re going to be focusing on how to deal with banelings in the mid-game!
So banelings are extremely annoying at virtually every stage of play. However, we’re going to be focusing on how to deal with banelings in the mid-game!
Posted in Video Tagged beginner, Blizzard, bronze, commentary, daily, day9, gold, newbie, newbie tuesday, noob, noob tuesday, platinum, Protoss, pvt, silver, Strategy, tech, technology, terran, tuesday, tvp, video Leave a comment