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Dreamhack Summer 2011 Gruppen und Teilnehmer
Die deutschen Teilnehmer sind Socke, Hasuobs und GoOdy. TLO musste leider kurzfristig absagen. Gespannt sein darf man unter anderem auch auf IdrA, Grubby, Ret, TT1, Huk, DeMusliM, DIMAGA, Jinro und den Vorjahressieger Naama. Sogar einige Koreaner treten den weiten Weg an, um an der Dreamhack teilzunehmen. Da wären MC, Moon, July, NaDa, Bomber und den Sieger des ersten GSL-Turniers FruitDealer.
Die Koreaner Fruitdealer und Nada mussten ihre Teilnahme absagen. Sie werden von Predy und dem deutschen Xlord erstezt (Quelle: dreamhack.se). Aufgrund von Panikattacken musste auch DeMusliM kurzfristig absagen, sein Ersatz ist FuRy (Quelle: Facebook).
Teilnehmer und Gruppen
Gruppe A
SK Jimpo – Terraner
Cyber Nation MoMan – Zerg
Dignitas NaNiwa – Protoss
Liquid Ret – Zerg
Imba FXO Strelok – Terraner
Liquid Tyler – Protoss
Gruppe B
RoX.KiS BRAT_OK – Terraner
Millenium DieStar – Terraner
mTw DIMAGA – Zerg
Mouz Morrow – Zerg
Fnatic NightEnD – Protoss
Alternate Attax Socke – Protoss
Gruppe C
Grubby – Protoss
EG IdrA – Zerg
Dignitas merz – Terraner
Virus Naama – Terraner
Empire Kas – Terraner
MYM SaSe – Protoss
Group D
Millenium Adelscott – Protoss
MYM ClouD – Terraner
oGs MC – Protoss
GG.net Naugrim – Zerg
Fnatic Sen – Zerg
Fnatic TT1 – Protoss
Gruppe E
Dignitas Bischu – Protoss
RG FuRy – Terraner (Ersetzt EG DeMusliM – Terraner)
Liquid Huk – Protoss
Millenium LaLush – Zerg
WeMade Fox Moon – Zerg
Millenium Tarson – Terraner
Gruppe F
Mouz Hasuobs – Protoss
Startale July – Zerg
EG Machine – Zerg
Dignitas SjoW – Terraner
srs Sushi – Zerg
Mouz Thorzain – Terraner
Gruppe G
Virus elfi – Protoss
ESC GoOdy – Terraner
Liquid Jinro – Terraner
eSuba PredY – Terraner (Ersetzt oGs NaDa – Terraner)
Duckload White-Ra – Protoss
+ Qualifikant
Gruppe H
Startale Bomber – Terraner
MYM XlorD – Terraner (Ersetzt TSL FruitDealer – Zerg)
Empire Happy – Terraner
Liquid HayprO – Zerg
Mouz MaNa – Protoss
+ Qualifikant
Aktuelle Artikel zur Dreamhack Summer 2011
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- Idra (Z) vs Grubby (P) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Idra (Z) vs Grubby (P) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- DreamHuK und HuKstorycup – der HuK Artikel
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Replaypack
- Sase (P) vs EmpireKas (T) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Sase (P) vs EmpireKas (T) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Idra (Z) vs Grubby (P) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Idra (Z) vs Grubby (P) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Sen (Z) vs Adelscott (P) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group D
- Sen (Z) vs Adelscott (P) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group D
- Idra (Z) vs EmpireKas (T) G3 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Idra (Z) vs EmpireKas (T) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Idra (Z) vs EmpireKas (T) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- DreamHack 2011 : Match 2 – MC vs. Bomber
- DreamHack 2011 : Match 2 – MC (P) v Adelscott (P)
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 : Videointerviews mit July und Bomber
- NaNiwa (P) vs Liquid Ret (Z) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group A
- oGs MC (P) vs Sen (Z) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group D
- oGs MC (P) vs Sen (Z) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group D
- Naama (T) vs EmpireKas (T) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group C
- Dimaga (Z) vs Socke (P) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group B
- Dimaga (Z) vs Socke (P) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group B
- DreamHack Summer 2011 Finale: HuK vs. Moon (Replays und Preisverleihung)
- Brat_OK (T) vs MorroW (Z) G3 Dreamhack Summer Group B
- Brat_OK (T) vs MorroW (Z) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group B
- Brat_OK (T) vs MorroW (Z) G1 Dreamhack Summer Group B
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- MorroW (T) vs Dimaga (Z) G2 Dreamhack Summer Group B
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- Video: StarTale Bomber playing in his group games at Dreamhack
- Dreamhack Summer 2011: White-Ra Interview
- Dreamhack Summer 2011: EG Idra Interview
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- DreamHack 2011 : Match 3 – NightEnD (P) v Dimaga (Z)
- DreamHack 2011 : Match 2 – NightEnD (P) v Dimaga (Z)
- DreamHack 2011 : Match 1 – NightEnD (P) v Dimaga (Z)
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : IdrA (Z) vs. merz (T) Spiel3
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- DreamHack 2011 : Match 2 – Tyler (P) v Strelok (T)
- DreamHack 2011 : Match 1 – Tyler (P) v Strelok (T)
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Halbfinale
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Viertelfinale
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Achtelfinale
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : IdrA (Z) vs. merz (T) Spiel2
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : NaNiwa (P) vs. Strelok (T) Spiel3
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : NaNiwa (P) vs. Strelok (T) Spiel2
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : NaNiwa (P) vs. Strelok (T) Spiel1
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : Socke (P) vs. MorroW (Z) Spiel2
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : Socke (P) vs. MorroW (Z) Spiel1
- DreamHack Summer 2011 : IdrA (Z) vs. merz (T) Spiel1
- Dreamhack Interview mit Moman
- Dreamhack Interview mit Dimaga
- Dreamhack Interview mit HasuObs
- Dreamhack Opening Video
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Ergebnisse Gruppe G und H
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Ergebnisse Gruppe E und F
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Ergebnisse Gruppe C und D
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Ergebnisse Gruppe A und B
- Dreamhack Interview mit SaSe, XlorD und ClouD
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Livestream
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 Gruppen und Teilnehmer
- Dreamhack Summer 2011: Infos zum StarCraft 2 Turnier
- Dreamhack Summer 2011 StarCraftDreamhack Summer 2011 StarCraft
Posted in News Tagged adelscott, Bischu, Brat_OK, ClouD, DeMusliM, DieStar, DIMAGA, dreamhack, Dreamhack 2011, Dreamhack lan, Dreamhack Somer 2011, Dreamhack Summer 2011, e-sport, elfi, Fruitdealer, fury, gamer, Goody, groups, Grubby, gruppen, Happy, HasuObs, Haypro, HuK, Idra, jimpo, Jinro, Jönköping, July, Kas, lalush, LAN, machine, MaNa, MC, merz, MoMan, Moon, morrow, Naama, NaDa, naniwa, naugrim, nightend, Player, predy, Preisgeld, Ret, SaSe, Schweden, SEn, SjoW, Socke, spieler, Strelok, Sushi, tarson, teilnehmer, ThorZaIN, tt1, TTone, tyler, White-Ra, XlorD Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 Match 2v2 – Terran, Protoss & Zerg Fun Battle (SC2 eSports 2011)
A little 2v2 fun game with terran shows some typical tactics at startup ;) Visit our channel and community for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Community Entertainment 2011! Visit upcoming platform: www.change-games.com
A little 2v2 fun game with terran shows some typical tactics at startup ;) Visit our channel and community for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Community Entertainment 2011! Visit upcoming platform: www.change-games.com
Posted in Video Tagged 2010, 2011, 2012, 3D, action, battle, best, change, changegames, channel, crew, entertainment, epic, esport, event, finals, Games, Guide, HD, international, korea, live, Machinima, macro, Map, master, match, Mod, Patch, pc, Player, Protoss, rush, sc2, starcraft 2, Strategy, tactics, Team, terran, TOP, tournament, tricks, video, Zerg Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 Battle – Fast Rush Game (SC2 Tricks ‚Strategy Guide)
A nice 2v2 match with terran shows some typical tactics at startup ;) Visit our channel and community for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Community Entertainment 2011! Visit upcoming platform: www.change-games.com ‚we develop and publish nextgen- and retro-games, montages and machinima games in future
A nice 2v2 match with terran shows some typical tactics at startup ;) Visit our channel and community for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, reports, tutorials and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Community Entertainment 2011! Visit upcoming platform: www.change-games.com ‚we develop and publish nextgen- and retro-games, montages and machinima games in future
Posted in Video Tagged 2010, 2011, 2012, 2on, 2v2, 2vs2, 3D, action, battle, best, change, changegames, channel, counter, dude, entertainment, epic, esport, event, fast, finals, Games, Guide, HD, international, korea, live, Machinima, macro, Map, master, match, Mod, Patch, pc, Player, pro, Protoss, rush, sc2, starcraft 2, Strategy, tactics, terran, TOP, tournament, tricks, video, Zerg Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 Match 1v1 – Standard Build Order (SC2 Strategy Guide)
A fast start up and tactical build order is important to defeat a rush. Visit our channel for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, guide, reports and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community 2011! Visit our page: www.change-games.com
A fast start up and tactical build order is important to defeat a rush. Visit our channel for more games, mods and machinima. Watch interviews, guide, reports and tactics about actual games and get news about esports gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community 2011! Visit our page: www.change-games.com
Posted in Video Tagged 1on1, 1v1, 1vs1, 2010, 2011, 2012, action, battle, best, bo, build order, change, changegames, channel, contest, cup, defeat a rush, defeat rush, entertainment, epic, esports, Film, final, Game, Guide, HD, korea, live, Map, match, Movie, Patch, Player, pro, Protoss, pvp, sc2, Standard Build Order, starcraft 2, Strategy, tactics, terran, Trick, video, Zerg Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 Battle – 2v2 Terran Protoss (SC2 GG CUP eSports Fun 2011)Starcraft 2 Battle – 2v2 Terran Protoss (SC2 GG CUP eSports Fun 2011)
A fine 2v2 battle with Terran and Protoss shows a typical teamplay ingame. For more gameplays, maps, mods, montages and machinima visit our channel. Best of interviews, pro reports, tutorials and strategy about actual games on Change Games Entertainment Community – eSports Live inGame 2010-2012! Visit our new page: www.change-games.com
A fine 2v2 battle with Terran and Protoss shows a typical teamplay ingame. For more gameplays, maps, mods, montages and machinima visit our channel. Best of interviews, pro reports, tutorials and strategy about actual games on Change Games Entertainment Community – eSports Live inGame 2010-2012! Visit our new page: www.change-games.com
Posted in Video Tagged 2010, 2011, 2012, 2on2, 2v2, 2vs2, action, battle, best, campaign, change, changegames, channel, collectors, Community, cup, edition, entertainment, epic, ESL, esports, finals, fun, Game, gaming, gg, HD, ingame, interview, korea, live, Machinima, Map, Mod, net, Player, pro, Protoss, sc2, scene, starcraft 2, Strategy, tactic, teamplay, terran, video, Zerg Leave a comment
GSL Season 3: Round of 64
Die Begegnungen der ersten Runde (Round of 64) stehen fest. Die Verlierer der Begegnungen fliegen raus, die Sieger treten in der nächsten Runde gegen andere Gewinner ihrer Gruppe an. Champion NesTea macht am Montag den Anfang. Gleich darauf folgt Taiwaner Sen mit seinem ersten Spiel.
Dienstag spielen dann unter anderem FruitDealer, RainBOw, HayprO und Genius, von dem ich mir erhoffe, dass er die Protoss etwas weiter im Turnier bringt.
Mittwoch spielen Ret, BoxerPrime (FoxeR / Ellenpage / OptimusPrime), Kyrix und Clide.
Das letzte Spiel am Donnerstag bestreitet dann SlayerSBoxeR.
Zu allen Ergebnissen: weiterlesen…
Posted in Video Tagged 64, aLive, aLivefOu, Anypro, anyproPrime, Artosis, Aya, Banbanssu, BitByBit, Bless, BoogieBoy, Check, Choa, choya, Clide, Cool, cOre, corezenith, Cute, cyrano, date, Destination, DreamizEr, Drug, EllenPage, erste runde, EternalPrime, FoxeR, Fruitdealer, FruitSeller, gamer, Genius, Golden, GoldenfOu, GSL, GSL 3, GSL Season 3, GuineaPig, GuMihofOu, Haypro, Hello, HongUn, HongUnPrime, HopeTorture, Hyperdub, Idra, IMJunwi, interview, Jinro, jookToJung, July, Jys, Knight, Kyrix, Leenock, Libero, Liberty, Line, LittleBoy, Lyn, Maka, MakaPrime, max, MC, MioWeRRa, MonkeyEars, Monster, Moon, mvp, NesTea, NewDawn, NEXNaya, NEXON, odinmvp, oGsHyperdub, oGsMC, oGsTheWinD, oGsVines, OptimusPrime, Player, Polt, Rache, Rain, RainBOw, Ret, Round 64, Round of 64, saisonstart, sC, sCfOu, SEn, SlayerSBoxeR, Sleep, spieler, Superstar, Syj, teilnehmer, Termin, TheBest, TheBestfOu, TheWinD, Tosyad, VealSteak, video, Videointerview, VINES, Zenio 2 Comments