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NaDa vs DDE – NASL Match Game 2
oGsNaDa and sixjaxDDE go at it in an awesome TvT series from the NASL. Game 2 TvT @ Tal Darim Altar Check out the NASL at NASL.tv
oGsNaDa and sixjaxDDE go at it in an awesome TvT series from the NASL. Game 2 TvT @ Tal Darim Altar Check out the NASL at NASL.tv
NaDa vs DDE – NASL Match Game 1
oGsNaDa and sixjaxDDE go at it in an awesome TvT series from the NASL. Game 1 TvT @ Backwater Gulch Check out the NASL at NASL.tv
oGsNaDa and sixjaxDDE go at it in an awesome TvT series from the NASL. Game 1 TvT @ Backwater Gulch Check out the NASL at NASL.tv
Die guten alten Zeiten mit TaKe dem Vikinger !
Ein kleiner Spaß für zwischendurch ; ) Ein längst vergessenes Video aus alten GIGA II Zeiten. Ich kann es mir immer wieder anschauen : D
Ein kleiner Spaß für zwischendurch ; ) Ein längst vergessenes Video aus alten GIGA II Zeiten. Ich kann es mir immer wieder anschauen : D
Posted in Video Tagged Caster, Computerspiel, Dennis Gehlen, ESL, esl.tv, ESLTV, ESL_TV, esport, gaming, GIGA, giga II, giga2, moderator, ProGamer, ProGaming, take, taketv, taketvtakesen, vikinger, vikingermütze Leave a comment
NSHoSeo Head Coach Interview
NSHoSeo, one of the newer, and more unknown teams, explained by the Head Coach. Find out how San has made everyone’s life better!
NSHoSeo, one of the newer, and more unknown teams, explained by the Head Coach. Find out how San has made everyone’s life better!
NSHoSeo House Tour – at HoSeo Academy
NSHoSeo, one of the newest Professional Gaming Teams in South Korea, has a very interesting sponsor: HoSeo Academy. See this very unique house tour by Artosis!
NSHoSeo, one of the newest Professional Gaming Teams in South Korea, has a very interesting sponsor: HoSeo Academy. See this very unique house tour by Artosis!
LosirA, top 5 World Zerg interviewed!
LosirA, one of the fastest growing stars, tells us why he suddenly came out of nowhere and owned everyone so hard. His secrets lie within this video!
LosirA, one of the fastest growing stars, tells us why he suddenly came out of nowhere and owned everyone so hard. His secrets lie within this video!
Posted in Video Tagged Artosis, ArtosisTV, e-sport, e-sport-interview, e-sport-interviews, esports, house, hwanni, im, losira, MLG, NASL, ProGamer, ProGaming, Protoss, sC, sc2, starcraft, starcraft 2, starcraft2, tastosis, terran, Zerg Leave a comment
NesTea Interview!
Artosis and Hwanni grabbed NesTea while at the IM house to drill him on some important stuff: Why are you so good, why is LosirA so good, and, most importantly, how are you so good?
Artosis and Hwanni grabbed NesTea while at the IM house to drill him on some important stuff: Why are you so good, why is LosirA so good, and, most importantly, how are you so good?
IM House Tour
Hwanni and Artosis made their way to the IM Progaming house for interviews and a tour. This is the tour!
Hwanni and Artosis made their way to the IM Progaming house for interviews and a tour. This is the tour!
PvP Master YongHwa gives tips!
Artosis couldn’t help but to grab YongHwa for some quick PvP tips from the master of the matchup. A must see for PvP players!
Artosis couldn’t help but to grab YongHwa for some quick PvP tips from the master of the matchup. A must see for PvP players!
Posted in Video Tagged Artosis, ArtosisTV, esports, house, hwanni, im, MLG, NASL, ProGamer, ProGaming, Protoss, protoss taktik, protoss tipps, protoss tips, protoss vs. protoss, pvp, sC, sc2, starcraft, starcraft 2, starcraft2, Taktik, taktik protoss, tastosis, terran, Tips, yonghwa, Zerg Leave a comment