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Day[9] Daily #415 – Stopping Mutalisks in PvZ
Day[9] Daily #415 – Stopping Mutalisks in PvZ
Ok so LOOK, I KNOW I’ve been doing a ton of protoss stuff lately, but this has been a HUGE topic of request from the community. So, today we’re going to look at one of the best mutaliskers in the business, Dimaga, vs one of the best anti-mutaliskers in the business, HerO. We’ll be talking about the game from both sides but, of course, noting how HerO swats those pesky mutalisks aside again and again :D.
Posted in Video Tagged #415, daily, day nine, day9, DIMAGA, gegen Muta, hero, Muta, Mutalisten, Protoss, Protoss gegen Muta, protoss taktik, Protoss vs. Zerg, pvz, Stopping Mutalisks, Stopping Mutalisks in PvZ, Taktik Leave a comment