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Day[9] Daily #432 – SKMC’s PvT – Living through the Midgame
Day[9] Daily #432 – SKMC’s PvT – Living through the Midgame
“Though many feel the “Protoss maxed deathball” is too good to be true, many Protosses struggle to even get there! Staying alive in the midgame vs Terran is increasingly becoming an epic nightmare for the average Protoss bear. Fortunately, we’re going to look at a whole slew of games (largely from SK.MC) to see the ways we can manage Terran aggression while still teching and taking expansions! :D. Some of the big keys are aggression in the early game and using idle gateways to help us defend vs drops!”
Posted in Video Tagged #432, daily, day nine, day9, Living through the Midgame, MC, midgame, Protoss, protoss taktik, protoss vs. terraner, pvt, SKMC, taktik protoss, Terraner vs Protoss, tvp Leave a comment