The mod StarJeweled is a game to train your combination skills, hit the symbols in a row to build better units and try different tactics to win the game. A very good idea by the Starcraft 2 modding team ;) Watch gameplays, interviews, reports, pro tactic guides about actual games and get news from eSport and gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community 2011! -best nextgen games for future-
The mod StarJeweled is a game to train your combination skills, hit the symbols in a row to build better units and try different tactics to win the game. A very good idea by the Starcraft 2 modding team ;) Watch gameplays, interviews, reports, pro tactic guides about actual games and get news from eSport and gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community 2011! -best nextgen games for future-
The mod StarJeweled is a game to train your combination skills, hit the symbols in a row to build better units and try different tactics to win the game. A very funny idea directly from the Starcraft 2 modding team. Watch gameplays, interviews, reports, pro tactic guides about actual games and get news from eSport and gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community 2011! -best of nextgen games future-
The mod StarJeweled is a game to train your combination skills, hit the symbols in a row to build better units and try different tactics to win the game. A very funny idea directly from the Starcraft 2 modding team. Watch gameplays, interviews, reports, pro tactic guides about actual games and get news from eSport and gaming scene on Change Games Entertainment Community 2011! -best of nextgen games future-
StarCraft 2 – a way to mindcontrol your opponents units in StarJeweledStarCraft 2 – a way to mindcontrol your opponents units in StarJeweled
StarCraft 2 Modification – review – just for fun.StarCraft 2 Modification – review – just for fun.
Auf der BlizzCon kündigte Blizzard vier neue Custom Maps an:
Blizzard DotA
Left 2 Die
Aiur Chef
Die Maps sollen innerhalb der nächsten Monate im Battle.net zur freien Verfügung gestellt werden, um die Wartezeit auf die Erweiterung Heart of the Swarm zu überbrücken.
Interview mit Blizzard-Mittarbeiter Alan Dabiri: Why The StarCraft II Team Is Making Mods (englisch)
Mehr Infos zu den Karten: Auf der BlizzCon kündigte Blizzard vier neue Custom Maps an:
Blizzard DotA (mehr Infos)
Left 2 Die
Aiur Chef
Die Maps sollen innerhalb der nächsten Monate im Battle.net zur freien Verfügung gestellt werden, um die Wartezeit auf die Erweiterung Heart of the Swarm zu überbrücken.
Interview mit Blizzard-Mittarbeiter Alan Dabiri: Why The StarCraft II Team Is Making Mods (englisch)
Mehr Infos zu den Karten: weiterlesen…