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GSL Code S Final – Emotions
GSL Code S Final – Emotions
Das Video zeigt FXOSlog, SeleCT, FXOz und FXOUnstable während dem GSL Code S Finale zwischen Leenock und Jjakji.
Day[9] Daily #395 – Terran Week – Bomber’s TvZ
Day[9] Daily #395 – Terran Week – Bomber’s TvZ
Posted in Video Tagged Bomber, Bomber's TvZ, daily, day nine, day9, Taktik, taktik terraner, terran, Terran Week, terraner vs. zerg, Terrnaer Taktik, tvz Leave a comment
Day[9] Daily #394 – Terran Week – Thorzain’s TvT!
Day[9] Daily #394 – Terran Week – Thorzain’s TvT!
Posted in Video Tagged daily, day nine, day9, Taktik, taktik terraner, terran, Terran Week, Terraner, Terraner Takitk, terraner vs. terraner, ThorZaIN, tvt Leave a comment
Day[9] Daily #375 – TvZ – Dealing with Zerg Aggression
Day[9] Daily #375 – TvZ – Dealing with Zerg Aggression
Day[9] Daily #299 – How to get a 90% winrate with TerranDay[9] Daily #299 – How to get a 90% winrate with Terran
Posted in Video Tagged day nine, day9, Day9TV, Taktik, taktik terraner, terran, Terraner Leave a comment
TheUENtv: How to Scout! (Terraner)
Hey this is Scvrush here bringing you guys a Terran scouting video. In this video, I will be showing you guys how to Scout with Terran in Starcraft 2. This is really important for any level because you can gain a huge advantage in the game in terms of macro and micro in Sc2.
There are a couple of ways to scout the enemy depending on the time of the game.
1. In the early Terran game, an SCV will suffice. Knowning whether your enemy is teching, doing some kind of cheese or pushing will prepare you for proper defense
2. Lift your barracks to scout is important for mid game. Scv will die before reaching the the important tech buildings. Therefore, flying a barracks can be great.
Avoid using scanner sweep unless neccessary because it is really expensive. Costing 270 minerals per scanner if you use it as a mule. Mule is meant to keep up with protoss and zerg’s economy. So avoid it
3. Late game, you can use scanner sweep if you have a couple of command centers. In addition, you have vikings and other units to scout the enemy.
Ein Beitrag zur Scouting-Woche auf StarCraft2Blog.de.
Posted in Video Tagged How to Scout, Scout, scouting, Scouting Woche, scvrush, Taktik, terran, Terran scouting, Terran scouting video, Terraner, terraner taktik, theuen, TheUENtv, ways to scout Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 – G436 – oGsNada (t) vs mYmSaSe (p) – Game 3 – StarsWar – Recast
Map: Shattred Temple Spiel: 3 Event: StarsWar Spieler: oGsNada (Terraner) vs mYmSaSe (Protoss) Shortcut: TvP Patch: 1.3.x Für Spenden siehe Kanalinfo – ich bin euch sehr dankbar! Wiederholungen von Dailys und Livecasts: www.own3d.tv
Map: Shattred Temple Spiel: 3 Event: StarsWar Spieler: oGsNada (Terraner) vs mYmSaSe (Protoss) Shortcut: TvP Patch: 1.3.x Für Spenden siehe Kanalinfo – ich bin euch sehr dankbar! Wiederholungen von Dailys und Livecasts: www.own3d.tv
Posted in Video Tagged 1080p, 17173.com, 2010, Blizzard, BlizzCon, call4kings, Cast, Cheese, commentary, craftcup, dallas, definition, deutsch, epic, eps, esport, fpvod, gamescom, gaming, german, go4sc2, GSL, HD, HDHomerJ, high, homerj, iccup, iem, korea, korean, koth, MLG, mmorpg, MYM, mYmSaSe, NaDa, oGs, oGsNaDa, pokerstrategy, ProGamer, Protoss, protoss vs. terraner, pvt, Recast, Replay, result, SaSe, sC, sc2, series, Shattred Temple, shoutcast, starcraft, StarsWar, terran, Terraner vs Protoss, theory, tsl, tvp, tvz, video game, VOD, worldcup, Zerg, zotac Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 – G434 – oGsNada (t) vs mYmSaSe (p) – Game 1 – StarsWar – Recast
Map: Xel Naga Caverns Spiel: 1 Event: StarsWar Spieler: oGsNada (Terraner) vs mYmSaSe (Protoss) Shortcut: TvP Patch: 1.3.x Für Spenden siehe Kanalinfo – ich bin euch sehr dankbar! Wiederholungen von Dailys und Livecasts: www.own3d.tv
Map: Xel Naga Caverns Spiel: 1 Event: StarsWar Spieler: oGsNada (Terraner) vs mYmSaSe (Protoss) Shortcut: TvP Patch: 1.3.x Für Spenden siehe Kanalinfo – ich bin euch sehr dankbar! Wiederholungen von Dailys und Livecasts: www.own3d.tv
Posted in Video Tagged 1080p, 17173.com, 2010, Blizzard, BlizzCon, call4kings, Cast, Cheese, commentary, craftcup, dallas, definition, deutsch, epic, eps, esport, fpvod, gamescom, gaming, german, go4sc2, GSL, HD, HDHomerJ, high, homerj, iccup, iem, korea, korean, koth, MLG, mmorpg, MYM, mYmSaSe, NaDa, oGs, oGsNaDa, pokerstrategy, ProGamer, Protoss, protoss vs. terraner, pvt, Recast, Replay, result, SaSe, sC, sc2, series, shoutcast, starcraft, StarsWar, terran, Terraner vs Protoss, theory, tsl, tvp, tvz, video game, VOD, worldcup, Xel'Naga Caverns, Zerg, zotac Leave a comment