Hey everyone,
OMZ here with another 2v2 livecast for you. This one is a 2v2 Masters game of SCVRush and OMZ and we are playing against some other top masters players – in fact, they are favored. Check out how we react, what we do and the INTENSE game that it is.
Enjoy. =)
Ein Beitrag zur Scouting-Woche auf StarCraft2Blog.de.
Hey this is Scvrush here bringing you guys a Terran scouting video. In this video, I will be showing you guys how to Scout with Terran in Starcraft 2. This is really important for any level because you can gain a huge advantage in the game in terms of macro and micro in Sc2.
There are a couple of ways to scout the enemy depending on the time of the game.
1. In the early Terran game, an SCV will suffice. Knowning whether your enemy is teching, doing some kind of cheese or pushing will prepare you for proper defense
2. Lift your barracks to scout is important for mid game. Scv will die before reaching the the important tech buildings. Therefore, flying a barracks can be great.
Avoid using scanner sweep unless neccessary because it is really expensive. Costing 270 minerals per scanner if you use it as a mule. Mule is meant to keep up with protoss and zerg’s economy. So avoid it
3. Late game, you can use scanner sweep if you have a couple of command centers. In addition, you have vikings and other units to scout the enemy.
Ein Beitrag zur Scouting-Woche auf StarCraft2Blog.de.
Hey everyone, This is a very awesome build order that was originally created and showcased by IMNestea in the GSL May. This is a Round of 8 match between himself and AnyProPrime.WE – a very high level zerg player who before being defeated by Nestea was able to eliminate July Zerg (STJuly) from the tournament (July Zerg was the former finalist who was defeated by oGsMC). The build order is: 14 extractor 13 pool 3 drones on gas until ling speed then only 1 drone on gas 4 lings for map control Expansion at 19 Put drones back on gas until 100 gas Lair tech at 100 gas Send 3 drones to opponents base when Lair is ~70% complete Build 3 spines at opponents base and have ling support (8-12 lings) to defend spines while they are building. Snipe nexus Build 3rd base while Nexus is being destroyed Build Hydralisk den and Evolution Chamber Continue to Drone while on 3 bases and then mass ling/hydralisk to finish opponent Hope that works for you guys – this is a very specific counter-build build as it is designed to destroy forge FE’s on open maps only. If you have questions please leave them below. =) Visit www.theuen.com for more videos and build orders.