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Starcraft 2 Tips & Tricks Episode 4 by PsyStarcraft
PsyStarcrafts viertes Tipps und Tricks Video
Posted in News, Video Tagged PsyStarcraft, starcraft 2, Starcraft 2 Tips & Tricks, Taktik, Tipps, tipps und tricks, Tips, Tips und Tricks, tricks, video Leave a comment
PvP Master YongHwa gives tips!
Artosis couldn’t help but to grab YongHwa for some quick PvP tips from the master of the matchup. A must see for PvP players!
Artosis couldn’t help but to grab YongHwa for some quick PvP tips from the master of the matchup. A must see for PvP players!
Posted in Video Tagged Artosis, ArtosisTV, esports, house, hwanni, im, MLG, NASL, ProGamer, ProGaming, Protoss, protoss taktik, protoss tipps, protoss tips, protoss vs. protoss, pvp, sC, sc2, starcraft, starcraft 2, starcraft2, Taktik, taktik protoss, tastosis, terran, Tips, yonghwa, Zerg Leave a comment
Day[9] Daily #282 – Hardcore TvP Analysis Part 2
An extension of yesterday’s daily! MOAR but only from the Terran POV a bit more now!
An extension of yesterday’s daily! MOAR but only from the Terran POV a bit more now!
Posted in Video Tagged analysis, Calculation, daily, day9, Day9TV, daynine, Game, Hardcore TvP Analysis, master, Master League, Master players, Masterleague players, Precision, Protoss, pvt, sc2, starcraft, Strategy, taktik terraner, terran, terraner taktik, Terraner vs Protoss, timing, timings, Tipps, Tips, tvp, TvP Analysis, video Leave a comment
Day[9] Daily #281 – Hardcore TvP Analysis Part 1
In this multi part hardcore analysis, I’m going to drill HARD into some extreme specifics for how to play TvP. I’ve been slacking on the terran front lately, so I’m going to do some high degree of extrapolation regarding 1) Timings 2) Calculation 3) Precision It’ll be at least 2 parts. Maybe there’ll be a part 3 on Sunday if I’m sufficiently frustrated :D Time for people to see all my tools in action! This’ll be primarily useful for Master++ players.In this multi part hardcore analysis, I’m going to drill HARD into some extreme specifics for how to play TvP. I’ve been slacking on the terran front lately, so I’m going to do some high degree of extrapolation regarding 1) Timings 2) Calculation 3) Precision It’ll be at least 2 parts. Maybe there’ll be a part 3 on Sunday if I’m sufficiently frustrated :D Time for people to see all my tools in action! This’ll be primarily useful for Master++ players.
Posted in Video Tagged analysis, Calculation, daily, day9, Day9TV, daynine, Game, Hardcore TvP Analysis, master, Master League, Master players, Masterleague players, Precision, Protoss, pvt, sc2, starcraft, Strategy, taktik terraner, terran, terraner taktik, Terraner vs Protoss, timing, timings, Tipps, Tips, tvp, TvP Analysis, video Leave a comment
Starcraft 2 1v1 Master Live Commentary by Scvrush (Terran vs Zerg)
Hello folks, this is scvrush from www.theuen.com giving you guys a 1v1 live commentary in the master’s league. I have not played 1v1 for a little bit and I am rusty. Please leave feedback on what you think and what do you want to see next. In addition, please subscribe to our channel if you havn’t already! http www.facebook.comHello folks, this is scvrush from www.theuen.com giving you guys a 1v1 live commentary in the master’s league. I have not played 1v1 for a little bit and I am rusty. Please leave feedback on what you think and what do you want to see next. In addition, please subscribe to our channel if you havn’t already! http www.facebook.com
Posted in Video Tagged 1v1, attack, commentary, hint, live, marine, master, Overlord, rush, scvrush, starcraft, strategies, terran, terraner vs. zerg, theuen, TheUENtv, Tips, tricks, tvz, zerg vs. terraner, zvt 2 Comments
Starcraft 2 MoD – Zeratul Shrine Defence (SC2 Battle Tactics HD)
Zeratul Shrine Defence is a mod where you build up a base and units to engage the enemy forces. Visi our channel for more gameplays, interviews, reports, pro tactic guides about actual games and get news from eSport and gaming scene – Change Games Entertainment Community Live 2010! Visit the new page: www.change-games.com
Zeratul Shrine Defence is a mod where you build up a base and units to engage the enemy forces. Visi our channel for more gameplays, interviews, reports, pro tactic guides about actual games and get news from eSport and gaming scene – Change Games Entertainment Community Live 2010! Visit the new page: www.change-games.com
Posted in Video Tagged 2010, activision, arena, battle, best, Blizzard, change, changegames, channel, defence, entertainment, esport, final, Funmaps, Game, grand, HD, ingame, korea, live, Machinima, Map, marine, Mod, of, ogc, Patch, pro, sc2, shrine, starcraft, Strategy, tactic, Tips, ums, video, warcraft, world, WOW, Zeratul, Zeratul Shrine, Zerg Leave a comment
Brood Lord – StarCraft 2 Tactics and Strategies
Hey everyone, OneManZerg here from The UEN giving you some tips on the Brood Lords and how to appropriately use them. For links and detailed write ups about a lot of these strategies please visit our Brood Lord specific page: www.theuen.com The Brood Lord is a very powerful, but very susceptible unit as it is so large and slow. Knowing that, please view this video if you are having trouble using the Brood Lord and want tips on how to use them and how to support them. Please thumbs up the video if you like it. =)Hey everyone, OneManZerg here from The UEN giving you some tips on the Brood Lords and how to appropriately use them. For links and detailed write ups about a lot of these strategies please visit our Brood Lord specific page: www.theuen.com The Brood Lord is a very powerful, but very susceptible unit as it is so large and slow. Knowing that, please view this video if you are having trouble using the Brood Lord and want tips on how to use them and how to support them. Please thumbs up the video if you like it. =)
Posted in Taktik, Video Tagged Brood Lord, broodlord, Brutlord, HD, how to support, how to use, onemanzerg, positioning, strategies, Strategy, tactics, Taktik, theuen, TheUENtv, Tipps, Tips, zerg taktik Leave a comment
Neues Tipps und Tricks Video
Vor fast 2 Monaten hatte ich die ersten beiden Tipps und Tricks Videos von PsyStarcraft gepostet.
Vor kurzem hat PsyStarcraft sein drittes Video dieser Art hochgeladen. Es ist wieder mal sehr sehenswert und interessant, daher möchte ich es euch nicht vorenthalten. Hier ist es:
Posted in Video Tagged fun, fun-video, lustig, Movie, PsyStarcraft, Taktik, taktik-video, Tipps, tipps und tricks, Tips, tricks, video, youtube Leave a comment
Footmen Tipps
In letzter Zeit wurde ich öfters nach Tipps für die Funmap Footmen gefragt. In Folge dessen nun dieser Artikel. Zunächst eine ausführliche Anfänger-Anleitung und ein paar grundlegende Tipps. Später werde ich nach Möglichkeit Profi-Tipps für die Map Zealot Frenzy schreiben, aber dazu habe ich die Map selbst noch nicht oft genug gespielt.
Diese Tipps beziehen sich auf Footmen im Allgemeinen. Es gibt mehrere Varianten der Spielidee. Mein Favorit ist Zealot Frenzy.
Footmen Tipps:
1. Allgemeine Tipps
2. Spiel
3. Helden
4. Einheiten
5. Gegenstände
6. Söldner
Posted in Video Tagged Anfängerhilfe, footmen, Footmen Anleitung, Footmen Einführung, footmen heros, footmen items, Footmen Tipps, Footmen Tutorial, footmen units, Frenzy, Funmaps, Tipps, Tips, Zealot Leave a comment