White_ra vs TLO
mTwDIMAGA vs. TtWhiteRa
Day[9] Daily #416 – MarineKing vs White-Ra – 2Rax Opening!
The 2 rax opening was once upon a time the standard TvP opening. It allowed the terran player to apply a great deal of pressure while securing a fairly early 2nd base. However, Protosses soon learned how to deflect the early pressure and win with any number of medium sized counter swings. The last several months have marked a resurgence in the 2rax strategy due to some simply adjustments and nice aggression timings! We’re going to look at those today! :D
XiGua (z) vs TTWhiteRa (p) – Starcraft 2 Cast
Dreamhack Winter 2011 – White-Ra (P) vs PhoeNix (Z) by day[9]
Dreamhack Winter 2011 – White-Ra (P) vs ClouD (T) by day[9]
WhiteRa vs Cloud DreamHack winter 2011
WhiteRa vs Phoenix DreamHack Winter 2011
Khaldor: #139/2011 – WhiteRa(P) vs. Nerchio(Z) – FXO Finale
Day[9] Daily #343 – Catz vs White-rA